We are partnering with The Holton Homestead to deliver their products within our service area. Order from their website and choose Prudent as your delivery option.
Then, add this product to your Prudent delivery. If you ONLY want delivery of The Holton Homestead's products, set up your Prudent Produce account as "Choose Your Own". You will be charged $7 by Prudent for delivery ($5 for having an order from Prudent Produce that is under $20, plus $2 handling of The Holton Homestead 'box').
If you order over $20 from Prudent Produce (either by adding "a la carte" items or by receiving a regular Prudent Produce bin full of awesome produce), then you will only be charged $2 for handling of your items from The Holton Homestead (in addition to the charge for your order from Prudent Produce).