Create an account with us, which includes choosing a bin size, providing your address, and entering payment info. You update your order between noon on Friday and 9AM Sunday. Then we will pack your bin with fruits, vegetables, and anything else you want from our shop section and deliver the following Monday through Thursday (depending upon your location). No need to be at home when we deliver, your produce will remain fresh for at least four hours in our produce bins.
The fruits and vegetables available varies from week to week, depending on what is seasonally available. You can count on such staple items as apples, bananas, and carrots and rest assured, it will always be fresh, good for you and delicious. Fridays we email our customers "menus" of what will be in the following weeks produce bins. You are then free to make desired substitutions or exchanges so you receive the items your want and in the amounts you desire.
It is important to know that we are a small operation located on our family's century farm. We rely on a network of small farms and distributors to get fresh produce to your doorstep every week of the year. The logistics are daunting, and we appreciate your patience and grace when things aren't perfect. And if we have learned anything through the COVID-19 experience, we have re-learned the importance of a strong and resilient food system, which inherently relies on a distributed network of farmers and producers.